The new project Support to the implementation of the judicial reform in Ukraine started on 1 February 2016, thanks to the financial contribution of the Government of the United Kingdom. The project aims to ensure independence, fairness and effectiveness of the judiciary by supporting Ukraine in the implementation of the reform of its judicial system in accordance with the Council of Europe standards and recommendations. The project offers activities both in Kyiv and in the regions of Ukraine. The regional dimension of the project activities includes issues related to justice in the conflict-affected areas.

Main objectives of the Project are mentioned as below:

  • Supporting the drafting and adoption of constitutional and other legislative amendments related to the judicial reform in Ukraine and improve the regulatory framework for the institutional and procedural set-up of the judiciary;
  • Supporting the Ukrainian judiciary in installing an effective system of judicial accountability based on European standards and recommendations;
  • Supporting Ukraine in developing the system of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) by the introduction of mediation mechanisms and improvement of an arbitration system;
  • Supporting Ukraine in the strengthening of the institutional capacity and the review of responsibilities of the highest judicial instances allowing for a more efficient review of cases following ECtHR judgments against Ukraine.

Project documentation