Component 1: Enhancing the accountability and the efficiency of the judicial system and the professionalism of lawyers

Project title

Implementation of judicial reforms

Component 1: Enhancing the accountability and the efficiency of the judicial system and the professionalism of lawyers

Project duration

From 1 December 2019 to  31 December 2021


 EUR 1,220,000.

Project details

The project is linked to the EU priorities, as defined in the Joint Staff Working Document “Eastern Partnership – 20 Deliverables for 2020” in particular to the priority II: Strengthening institutions and good governance and contributes to the achievement of goals described in deliverable 10: The implementation of key judicial reforms and deliverable 3.

The project is relevant for the Council of Europe Action Plan for Georgia 2016 – 2019.

The Council of Europe is implementing this project under the “European Union/Council of Europe Partnership for Good Governance”.

Beneficiaries / Partners

Courts of General Jurisdiction, High Council of Justice (HCoJ), High School of Justice (HSoJ), Parliament, Constitutional Court, Ministry of Justice (MoJ), Georgian Bar Association, General Prosecution Office, Ministry of Interior, Supreme Court.

Gender mainstreaming in the project

Gender will be mainstreamed in various ways throughout the project.

Overall objective

Increase the effectiveness, efficiency and transparency of the Judiciary and the Bar Association, improve legislative safeguards, support governance practices and training opportunities, and improve case management procedures and management practices within the judiciary.

key issues to be addressed
  • Implementation of the “4th wave” legislative package achievements;
  • Enhanced court efficiency through CEPEJ tools and direct involvement;
  • Update of the Constitutional Court’s law and internal regulations.
Project components

1.  Enhance accountability of the judicial system and professionalism of lawyers

  • Improvement of the reasoning of judicial appointments and the creation of effective appeal mechanism.
  • Development of effective judicial evaluation mechanism, alongside with the merit-based promotion system.
  • Modification of initial training program at the High School of Justice.
  • Capacity building of the Independent Inspector in order to provide well-reasoned referrals to the High Council of Justice.
  • Quality initial and continuous training programme support at the Bar.

2.  Strengthen efficiency and quality of the judicial system (CEPEJ)

  • Development of an effective, reliable and user-friendly electronic case management.
  • Improvement of court performance and overall efficiency and quality of the justice (including ICT tools and backlog reduction) system.
  • Support of the implementation of the IT strategy and AP of the judiciary.
  • Trainings for judges and non-judge staff.

3. Optimise legal and institutional framework of the Constitutional Court.

  • Revision of legislative framework on the Rules and Procedures of the Constitutional Court to ensure more efficient and effective functioning of the Court.
  • Enhancement of analytical skills of the Constitutional Court staff.
  • Improvement of the Constitutional Court’s public outreach.
  • Enhancement of the public awareness on the functioning of the Constitutional Court.
Georgian website
Direct access to Georgian website.