Strasbourg, 2 November 2016





22-23 November 2016 - Council of Europe, Agora, Strasbourg - Room G05

Opening of the meeting: Tuesday, 22 November 2016 at 9.30 am

Close of the meeting: Wednesday, 23 November 2016 at 1.00 pm


1. Opening of the meeting by the Chair


2. Adoption of the agenda



3. General questions

3.1 State of implementation of the work programme and calendar of meetings in 2016


3.2 Committee of Ministers’ decisions concerning the CDCPP



4. Fields of activities of the CDCPP

4.1 Culture

  • Culture and Democracy Framework Indicators – Follow up to the Launch event, Brussels, 14 October 2016
  • Compendium of cultural policies – Follow up to the donors’ meeting, Strasbourg, 4 November 2016
  • Council of Europe exchange platform on the impact of digitization on culture – Follow up to the 2016 meeting, Tallinn, 29-30 September 2016

4.2 Heritage

  • Implementation of the Strategy 21 following the adoption by the Committees of Ministers of Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)…
  • Faro Action Plan – State of implementation
  • HEREIN – State of implementation
  • European Heritage Days - Presentation

4.3 Landscape

  • 18th Council of Europe Meeting of the Workshops on  “National policies for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention: challenges and opportunities”, Yerevan, Armenia, 5-7 October 2016 – Presentation
  • Report of the Working Group on the European Landscape Convention “Landscape and Democracy”, 3rd Meeting, Paris, Council of Europe Office, 18-19 October 2016 – Presentation
  • Information System of the Council of Europe European Landscape Convention (ELC L6) – State of implementation
  • 5th Session of the Landscape Award of the Council of Europe – State of implementation


5. Information concerning other bodies of the Council of Europe and Partial Agreements



6. Any other business


7. Dates of the next meetings


8. Closing of the meeting

Illustration about the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP)
  • Daniil KHOCHABO
  • Gillian FRENCH

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