Smuggling of migrants

The smuggling of migrants is a transnational crime in continuous evolution. The Council of Europe action in this field aims at supporting national jurisdictions, which are facing important challenges in fighting this phenomenon, including in terms of applicable legal frameworks, investigation, prosecution and international co-operation.

Penological Co-operation

Penological Co-operation

Historically speaking the Council of Europe has played a pioneering role and has a unique experience in promoting humane treatment of offenders, decent prison conditions and socially effective and rehabilitative penal sanctions and measures.

Operation of European Conventions in the Penal Field

Operation of European Conventions in the Penal Field

For over fifty years now, a series of treaties have been negotiated within the Council of Europe which establish a common basis for co-operation in criminal matters across Europe and sometimes beyond.


The Committee of Experts on combating technology-facilitated violence against women and girls (GEC/PC-eVIO) is a joint subcommittee to the Gender Equality Commission (GEC) and to the European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC).  It is tasked by the Committee of Ministers to draft a Recommendation on combating technology-facilitated violence against women and girls by 2025. 

Artificial intelligence and criminal law

Following the 78th CDPC Plenary session held in November 2020 and based on the results of the Feasibility Study, a Drafting Committee was tasked with the drafting of an instrument on AI and criminal law, with a focus on vehicles and automated driving.

Counterfeiting of medical products and similar crimes

Counterfeiting of medical products and similar crimes

The Council of Europe has long been concerned about the absence of harmonised international legislation, non-deterrent sanctions that were not proportionate to the harm caused to patients, and the involvement of criminal organisations which operate across borders.