Back Mexico ratified the European Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property

Mexico ratified the European Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property

Mexico deposited instruments of ratification of the European Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property (CETS No.221) .

The Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property aims to prevent and combat the illicit trafficking and destruction of cultural property, in the framework of the Organisation’s action to fight terrorism and organised crime.

The Convention, which is open for signature to any country in the world, also aims to foster international co-operation to fight these crimes, which are destroying the world’s cultural heritage.

The Convention, which is the only international treaty specifically dealing with the criminalisation of the illicit trafficking of cultural property, establishes a number of criminal offences, including theft; unlawful excavation, importation and exportation; and illegal acquisition and placing on the market. It also criminalises the falsification of documents and the destruction or damage of cultural property when committed intentionally.

Strasbourg 6/09/2018
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At a glance

Set up in 1958, the European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC) was entrusted by the Committee of Ministers the responsibility for overseeing and coordinating the Council of Europe’s activities in the field of crime prevention and crime control. The CDPC meets at the headquarters of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg (France).

The CDPC identifies priorities for intergovernmental legal co-operation, makes proposals to the Committee of Ministers on activities in the fields of criminal law and procedure, criminology and penology, and implements these activities.

The CDPC elaborates conventions, recommendations and reports. It organises criminological research conferences and criminological colloquia, conferences of directors of prison administration.

Plenary meetings

Bureau meetings