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Consultant on Serbian public administration and civil service competencies

The Programme Human Resources Management in Local Self Government – phase 2, jointly funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe in Serbia, is looking to engage a consultant for the provision of technical assistance to the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-government in developing the competencies framework for local government employees.

The ideal candidate should have experience with Serbian public administration (preferably the system of local self-government) and be familiar with competencies for civil servants. As the consultant will work directly with the government working group responsible for the development of the competencies framework, knowledge of the Serbian language is required.

For more information, and to apply, please consult the Act of Engagement and the Tender File/Terms of Reference.

We kindly ask candidates to fill out the Act of Engagement (in English language) and submit the required documentation, as stated in the Tender File/Terms of Reference.

All applications are to be sent electronically to

The deadline for applications is 3 June 2020.

Deadline: 3 June 2020
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