Back ELoGE in Türkiye to be trampoline to better democratic governance and improved participation

ELoGE in Türkiye to be trampoline to better democratic governance and improved participation

The local level is where citizens and local authorities can have the biggest impact in “securing and strengthening democracy and good governance at all levels throughout Europe” in line with the Reykjavik declaration and the Principles of Democracy. Following a pilot project implemented in 2021-2022 in the greater Istanbul area, a second cycle of ELoGE (European Label of Governance Excellence) was opened up to municipalities from across Türkiye.

The Mayor of Ankara, Mr Mansur Yavaş, stressed the importance of civil participation and citizen assemblies in promoting good democratic governance at the local level.  He underlined the interconnectedness of the principles of good democratic governance citing the experience of metropolitan governance in Ankara.  Transparency in procurement processes has strengthened accountability in budgeting and has served to promote participation thereby building trust.

In a panel discussion involving Mayors and members of the ELoGE jury, all hoped that this experience would serve to inspire other municipalities to embark on the journey towards ELoGE.  The Mayor of Şişli, Mr Muammer Keskin, was happy to receive the attention and publiicity but acknowledged that it was the staff and citizens of his municipality who earned the label.  The Mayor of Sultanbeyli, Mr Hüseyin Keskin, reflected on ELoGE as an opportunity to look in the mirror and identify areas for improvement.  The label comes with a responsibility to sustain and continuously improve governance standards, as well as the chance to learn from others.

ALDA Secretary General, Ms Antonella Valmorbida, welcomed the opportunity to learn from the experience of innovative Mayors of Turkish municipalities.  She noted that local democracy can offer opportunities for more effective participation from women and young people.  When asked what municipalities can gain from ELoGE, one of the members of the Turkish ELoGE accreditation platform noted: “the responsibility to keep it – not only on the Mayors, but for all stakeholders who have a place in the good democratic governance roadmap and an on us to use it for the benefit of citizens.”

The Argüden Governance Academy has been accredited to deliver the European Label of Governance Excellence in Türkiye within a National Platform comprising stakeholders from central and local goverment, academia and civil society.  The process has been supported by the Centre of Expertise for Good Governance of the Council of Europe.

Istanbul, Türkiye 14 December 2023
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