Back Launching of the second phase of the project Human Resources Management in Local Self - Government

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Launching of the second phase of the project Human Resources Management in Local Self - Government

The Council of Europe Office in Belgrade is pleased to announce launching of the joint EU/CoE project Human Resources Management in Local Self–Government - Phase 2. Launching conference was held on 12th March 2019 and it was organised by the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade in cooperation with Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities. The representatives of the central governmental institutions, donor and international organizations and around 150 participants from Local Self - Governments attended the conference. The new project phase, including the main elements and activities was thoroughly presented and the importance of the human resources management and professional development of local employees referring to professionalisation and depolitisation of public administration was specially highlighted.

The introductory remarks were given by Mr Tobias Flessenkemper, Head of the Council of Europe, Office in Belgrade, Mr Branko Ružić, Minister of Public Administration and Local Self– Government, Ms Snežana Samardžić – Marković, Director of Directorate General of Democracy, Council of Europe, Steffen Hudolin, Head of Operations 2, Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and Đorđe Staničić, Secretary General, Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities.

Mr Tobias Flessenkemper, Head of the Council of Europe, Office in Belgrade, noted that long and complex process of reforming public sector has started and the Council of Europe is proud to announce the work will be intensified through implementation of the second phase of the joint EU/CoE project Human Resources Management in Local–Self Government in the next three years. The project is designed to answer the specific needs of beneficiaries and it will contribute to the stable and fully operational system of human resources management at the local level. He particularly highlighted the 70th anniversary of the Council of Europe establishment: “Through its Statute and Charter of Local Self – Government the Council of Europe puts the development of genuine democracy at the heart of its operations”. Mr Flessenkemper said that the Council of Europe will continue to support strengthening operational dimension, to steer and develop careers of local employees in order to accomplish efficiency in delivering services to citizens and make positive impact on people lives in local communities.

Mr Branko Ružić, Minister of Public Administration and Local Self–Government, highlighted the complexity of reforming the human resources management system, since it involves a large number of employees in public administration. He also acknowledged the significance of the new project phase for economic growth, considering influence of public administration’s competency and efficiency in providing good quality services to the citizens. He invited the local governments to take strong participation in this project and use this opportunity to strengthen administrative capacities and develop modern and professional local administration, as successful implementation of the project will present the legacy for the future.

”We are here today not to launch the beginning of the new Project but rather to mark a continuation of a journey that we all started in 2016. The journey has a clear destination, and that is – the Republic of Serbia with a modern, efficient, transparent, and service-oriented public administration”, said Ms Snežana Samardžić – Marković, Director of Directorate General of Democracy, Council of Europe. She pointed out that Council of Europe, together with the European Union, Ministry of Local Self - Government, Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities started to build the national system for professional development of local employees and modern human resources management system at local level, which did not exist in Serbia before. Ms Samardžić – Marković stated that with joint efforts number of goals was achieved, through the implementation of the previous project phase. She specifically pointed out that close and active cooperation of all project partners was the highlight of the first phase of the Project and the only way for this project to be successful is to have all partners working closely together. Ms Samardžić – Marković stated that the Council of Europe holds the establishment of good governance as one of the top priorities in Serbia, and is fully committed to share know-how of the CoE Centre of expertise with Serbia.

Mr Steffen Hudolin, Head of Operations 2, Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia, expressed his satisfaction to see the continuous commitment to the important topic of Human Resources Management in Serbia. He emphasized that this topic concerns people, human resources as the most important resource. Mr Hudolin specially acknowledged the commitment of Serbian government to proceed with the reform of public administration and focus to both levels: central and local. He stressed the importance of local level in reforming process, since the vast majority of EU acquis and EU Cohesion funds are targeted towards the local level. He stated that for all countries, including member states the challenges of the administrative capacities are immense. Adequate management of human resources, better policy planning, adequate administrative procedures are of fundamental importance for functioning of the state and for implementing the reforms needed for EU integration. He said that the successful implementation of the second phase of the project Human Resources Management in Local Self – Government, require full commitment of all project partners, but moreover the commitment of Serbian towns and municipalities. He stated that this project is about changes that will serve to citizens, make local administration more efficient and provide the opportunity for career development in the public sector.

Mr Đorđe Staničić, Secretary General of the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, stated that the Republic of Serbia is determined to join the EU and that it requires the implementation of the EU acquis at all levels, while around 70% of the EU acquis has to be implemented by the Local Self – Governments. He stressed that the establishment of the system of professional development will strengthen the capacities of Local self-governments in providing good quality services to the citizens. He referred to the importance of the Human Resources Management Network which will present the foundation in sharing ideas, knowledge and experience within the framework of second phase of the project.

The joint EU/CoE project Human Resources Management in Local Self – Government - Phase 2 was developed in accordance with the achievements and challenges of the previous project Human Resources Management in Loca Self – Government (2016 - 2017). The project is jointly financed by the European Union and the Council of Europe, and implemented by the Council of Europe in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self – Government and Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities. The project started on 19th December 2018 and it will last until 19th December 2021. The total budget of the project is 4 million EUR. The programme addresses the most relevant issues of the human resources management and human resource development at Local Self-Government level in the Republic of Serbia which are prescribed by the Law on employees in autonomous provinces and Local Self - Government units, the Law on salaries in autonomous provinces and Local Self-Government units and the Law on Academy for Public Administration.

Belgrade, Serbia 12 March 2019
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