Specific projects in Armenia
New project: Democratic Development, Decentralisation and Good Governance in Armenia – Phase II
What is the goal?
The project aims to support the adoption of revised legislative framework for local self-government in line with European standards to reflect the new territorial-administrative map of Armenia and develop the capacities of local authorities of newly enlarged communities to ensure they to fulfil the competences and deliver the services entrusted to them under the decentralisation strategy. It also seeks to further raise awareness of good governance principles and promote cross-border co-operation (CBC), inter-municipal co-operation (IMC) and economic development at local level.
Thanks to the project, Armenian citizens will benefit from more inclusive, effective, and resilient institutional structures at local level, which are capable of delivering improved public service and promoting sustainable economic development as a result of an improved legislative framework.
Who benefits from the project?
- RoA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure;
- Armenian municipalities, their staff and institutional structures;
- Partners and other stakeholders such as Communities Association of Armenia (CAA), Communities Finance Officers Association (CFOA), and local NGOs;
- Armenian citizens and society at large.
How will the project work?
- By mobilising local stakeholders to contribute to legislation and policy development based on CoE standards.
- Intergovernmental cooperation through peer reviews; international support in developing legislative and policy advice; public consultations, workshops and capacity-building activities;
- Through regular exchanges and close coordination with the project beneficiaries and key stakeholders to identify practical challenges and develop tailor-made solutions;
- By developing tailored training curricula designed to respond to the needs of local authorities and contribute to developing inclusive, effective, efficient and resilient institutional structures at local level.
- Through the small grants scheme to foster inter-municipal co-operation, cross-border co-operation and local economic development in consolidated communities.
Budget and duration
- The project is funded by Austrian Development Co-operation and implemented by the Council of Europe Centre of Expertise for Good Governance in the context of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Armenia 2023-2026.
- The total budget of the project is 1 100 000 EUR
- The project will run from 1 December 2022 to 31 December 2025
- Country Study for Preparing Local Finance Benchmarks: Armenia
- Presentation on Local Government Finances: Armenia
Under the CoE/EU Eastern Partnership Programmatic Co-operation Framework the Local Finance Benchmarking (LFB) project has been started in Armenia. At the launching workshop on 14 April 2016 the LFB program was discussed with all the main stakeholders, including the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development, the Communities Finance Officers Association, the local government association, the potential pilot municipalities and the local experts.
A new boost for greater co-operation between Armenian municipalities
Closing conference of the “Support to Consolidating Local Democracy in Armenia” project in Yerevan
Training on “Civil participation in local decision-making” in Armenia
Reporting Local Finance Benchmarking workshop (II phase) and IMC meetings
Roundtables on Local finance benchmark and on Inter-municipal cooperation in Armenia
Steering Committee meeting of the Project "Support to Consolidating Local Democracy in Armenia"