On 6 March 2025, the CEPEJ organised a workshop in Pristina to address the challenges related to the use of decision templates by the prosecutors within the Case Management Information System (CMIS). These documents are predefined templates that enable prosecutors to automatically generate decisions, streamlining their daily work and demonstrating that the data entered into the CMIS is not solely for statistical purposes. The use of these decision templates aligns with the priorities set out in the Rule of Law Strategy and its Action Plan, particularly regarding the digitalisation of justice.
The event brought together around twenty participants, including prosecutors, IT staff, and members of the CMIS Users' Working Group as well as the Chief Prosecutor of Mons-Tournai (Belgium). Together, they examined and discussed possible improvements to these standard documents templates to make them more user-friendly and better suited to the needs of practitioners.
It was agreed that substantial improvements are necessary to ensure these templates are truly practical, efficient, and adapted to operational needs. Given the need for substantial enhancements to ensure that these templates are truly functional, effective, and aligned with operational requirements, the necessary improvements will be implemented in accordance with the CEPEJ guidelines on cyberjustice.
On the sidelines of the workshop, a meeting with the President of the Commission for the Administration of Prosecutor’s Offices reaffirmed the urgency of making these improvements and led to an agreement on developing new templates in the coming months.
This activity is organised by the KoSEJ III action “Strengthening the Quality and Efficiency of Justice in Kosovo”, which is part of the joint programme entitled "Horizontal Facility of the Western Balkans and Turkey III", co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.