Head of the Department of Civil Supervision
Ministry of Justice
Vysehradská 16,128 10 PRAGUE 2


Deputy Member: Andrea VESELÁ
Judge at District Court of Prague

Czechia- European Cyberjustice Network member (ECN)

Head of Department of Computerization of Justice
Ministry of Justice 

National Correspondent

Head of the Department of Civil Supervision
Ministry of Justice
Vysehradská 16, 128 10 PRAGUE 2

Pilot Courts

District Court of Prague 1
Vice-president of the Court
Ovocný trh 14, 100 00 PRAHA 1 

Ústí nad Labem Regional Court 
Václav BENEŠ
Národního odboje 1274, 400 92 ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM 50

Evaluation Exercise

Translations of CEPEJ documents:

Links to relevant Institutions


Recent developments in the judicial field

  • New Civil Code (10/01/2014)

The New Civil Code is effective since 1st January 2014.

The preparation and drafting of the Code took more than 10 years; the new Code is to replace the Civil Code of 1964 and will repeal more than 100 special acts including the Family Act or the Commercial Code.

It is supposed to react to modern needs and current economic and social situation. 
It is composed of five books (general provision, family law, ownership, obligations and transitional provisions) and contains 3081 sections.

The purpose is that all private rights, duties and status of individuals and entities are governed by one code. It stresses our democratic legal traditions and principles of private law in Europe. The new Civil Code was inspired primarily by foreign legislation in continental countries, mainly Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and the Netherlands, but certain inspiration came also from Québec.

The most significant achievement in Czech criminal legislation is the approval of the new Criminal Code. It essentially changes and modernizes Czech criminal law. The Criminal Code, which will come into effect on 1st January 2010, newly introduces, for example, a house arrest to the system of criminal sanctions. The most important task in the non-criminal area at present is the recodification of private law.  Currently the proposal of a new Civil Code and the Act on Mediation in Non-criminal Matters are in the legislative process.

The aggregate amendment of the Civil Procedure Code will come into effect on 1st July 2009. It introduces new arrangements for service of process, audio recordings of trials, a limitation of the extent of reasoning in judgements, reinforcement of the role of notaries in succession proceedings and other changes. As a matter of fact, it generally means improvement and transparency of civil proceedings and elimination of shortages arising in practice.

Organisational chart of the system of justice



 Calendar of the forthcoming meetings 

 Activity programme

 Working groups



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