25 October 2021

„Better safe than sorry“, „Bolje spriječiti nego liječiti“

Event Information
  • Country: Croatia, Hrvatska
  • Name of event: „Better safe than sorry“, „Bolje spriječiti nego liječiti“
  • Organiser: Croatian Notaries Chamber, Hrvatska javnobilježnička komora
  • Date: 25 October 2021, 25. listopada 2021.
  • Venue: digital platforms and notarial offices, digitalne platforme i javnobilježnički uredi
  • Format: digital (social media) and analog (leaflets), digitalno (društvena mreža) i analogno (letak)
  • Contact: hjk [at] hjk.hr, https://www.facebook.com/javnibiljeznici

For this year, the Croatian notariat decided to dedicate 6th edition of the Notaries of Europe Open Days on the topic of legal prevention and role of the notaries in providing legal certainty. In that sense, they named this year's topic „Better safe than sorry“ (In Croatian „Bolje spriječiti nego liječiti“). They prepared the series of informative texts and short videos which will be published on Chamber's official Facebook page. Also, they prepared a short leaflet on this year's topic which will be handed out to the clients in the notarial offices throughout the next week.




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 Calendar of the forthcoming meetings 

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 CEPEJ was talked about


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