30 Nov 2019

Honestly and securely. It is worth taking care of your fortune – talk about it with a notary / Uczciwie i bezpiecznie. Warto dbać o swój majątek – porozmawiaj o tym z notariuszem.

28 cities in Poland (incl. Warsaw) / 28 miast w Polsce (w tym Warszawa) Consultations / konsultacje
Event Information
Organizer: National Notary Council and regional notables chamber / Krajowa Rada Notarialna i regionalne Izby Notarialne  
Date: 30 November 2019 / 30 listopada 2019 r.
Venue: 28 cities in Poland (incl. Warsaw) 
Form: Consultations 
Contact: Office of the National Notary Council / Biuro Krajowej Rady Notarialnej, UL. Wild 19/23, Warsaw,  biuro [at] krn.org.pl  
25 Oct 2019 26 Oct 2019

Bringing Justice Closer to European Citizens

Faculty of Law and Administration / Gdańsk University Conference
Event Information
Click here to download the Programme of the Conference

 Calendar of the forthcoming meetings 

 Activity programme

 Working groups



 Meeting reports

 CEPEJ was talked about




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