25 October 2021 5 pm - 6.30 pm

We are all European citizens - Informing and sharing

Ordre des avocats in Amiens (France)
Event Information

The European Day of Justice is celebrated every year around 25 October, at the initiative of the European Commission and the Council of Europe. Aimed at citizens, students and justice professionals, this day "aims to bring justice closer to citizens, to inform them about their rights and to promote the work of the Council of Europe and the European Commission".
At the invitation of the Amiens Bar Association, Europe Direct Hauts-de-France invites you to discover a preview of the exhibition "Justice, Europe and you" at the Amiens Bar Association, in partnership with the Picardie Jules Verne University. Produced by the Ministry of Justice and the European Commission as part of the French Presidency of the European Union (from January to June 2022), this exhibition will give you a better understanding of how the European Union protects the rights of citizens, employees and consumers, fights crime and supports victims.
See you on Monday 25 October from 5 to 6.30 pm, 
in the premises of the Bar Association, 21 square Jules Bocquet in Amiens

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Télécharger l'affiche: https://rm.coe.int/european-day-justice-fr-2-amiens/1680a449f2

Plus d'informations: 25 octobre : Journée européenne de la Justice - Europe directe Hauts de France (europedirect-hautsdefrance.eu

25 October 2021 5 pm - 6 pm

Conference-debate on access to law in the framework of the European Day of Justice

Judicial Tribunal of Strasbourg, Quai Finkmatt, Strasbourg (France)
Event Information

On the occasion of the European Day of Justice organised each year by the Council of Europe and the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice, the Strasbourg Court of Justice and the Bas-Rhin Departmental Council for Access to Law are organising a conference-debate on the subject of access to the law in France in the Salle des Assises of the Palais de Strasbourg, Quai Finkmatt, on Monday 25 October 2021, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

This event will allow anyone interested to learn how the French legal and judicial professions are working to make the law accessible to all.

The conference-debate will be followed by a guided tour of the Judicial Court, which will allow the public to discover the history of the Court, a symbol of justice in the heart of the city and close to the citizen since the end of the 19th century.

The event is open to all, upon registration at the entrance, subject to availability.
Press contact: Muriel BERNAL RIZZA -
Contact presse: Chcab.p.tj-strasbourg@justice.fr

Download the poster 

25 October 2021 12:30 - 1.30 pm

Expatriates in Europe: notaries answer you live on Facebook!

France - Facebook live
Event Information

Expatriates in Europe: notaries answer you live on Facebook!
On 25 October, notaries will be answering you live on Facebook, on the occasion of the "Open Days" of the Notaries of Europe.
On the occasion of the European Day of Justice organised every 25 October in the Member States of the European Union, the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE) has been organising, since 2016, the "Open Days" of the Notaries of Europe. Live consultations, digital events and conferences are organised by the notariats of the participating countries for citizens and students.
For more information, visit the CNUE website.
How to successfully expatriate within the European Union? How to buy a property in Europe? How to get married in Europe? How to prepare your retirement in Europe?
On 25 October 2021, Maître Marc CAGNIART, notary in Paris, will be taking part in a Facebook Live from 12.30 to 1.30 pm, in partnership with the weekly magazine Challenges.
Ask all your questions in comments on the Notaires de France Facebook page!



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