25th October 2020

The proximity counters in Pisa

Pisa (Italy)
Event Information

In the court in Pisa, the 25th of October, the European Day of Justice 2020 was celebrated, in collaboration and decentralised configuration of the magistrates of the District of Florence, the Council of the Bar Association of Pisa, the National Observatory on Family Law and the Civil Chamber of Pisa. Riccorrenza established by the European Commission for the effectiveness of justice of the Council of Europe, to raise awareness among citizens and professionals on issues related to efficient and quality justice.

An assessment of the pandemic that will make it possible to identify ideas for the near future in terms of efficiency, in particular for civil justice.


25th October 2020

« Questa costituzione è uno spettacolo »

Event Information

Format consists in recording the performance "This Constitution is a show", a digital version of the play performed in schools for students and in theaters for a generic audience, by the notary Giulio Biino, national member of Italian Notariat in charge for Communication affairs, and by the notary Fabrizio Olivero, notary in Turin. During the performance, notaries will describe the Italian Constitution to the prisoneers as if it were a novel, focusing on the articles reserved to detention and the prisoneers’ rights (inviolable rights, principle of equality, right to defense, due process, etc.), using both texts and comment of the Constitution with a soundtrack designed for the event, video clips, references to press, television and journalists. The recorded performance will be transmitted at the same time the 25th of October in 6 Italian prisons.

Contacts : echiodo@notariato.it ; mlevi@notariato.it

27 October 2020 3 pm

Formazione Decentrata dei Magistrati del Distretto di Firenze

Pisa (Italy)
Event Information
27th October 2020 12.00 - 13.30

Webinar "La tutela dei crediti alimentari in Europa – Il punto sulle norme dell’Unione europea in tema di recupero transfrontaliero” 

Event Information

The webinar was organized in the context of the European project entitled “EJN-Ita: Building Bridges”, co-funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the Italian Ministry of Justice together with its institutional partners (Scuola Superiore della Magistratura, Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato, the University of Ferrara and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart). The project aims at disseminating information to legal practitioners on rules (mainly at the EU level) on judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters, and in general on the work of the European Judicial Network.

The event, organized on the European Day of Justice, constituted the great occasion to launch the portal "Aldricus" (available at https://aldricus.giustizia.it/), which is at the heart of the project. Aldricus is the virtual place where Italian legal professionals (and soon it will be reaching also foreign ones, as we will provide with English and French translations) can find all kind of information on judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters, also through a Blog which informs about the news in the field.



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