The CEPEJ Evaluation report, published on 5 October 2022, contains data and analysis of the functioning of the judicial systems of 44 European States and 3 Observer States (Israel, Kazakhstan and Morocco), making it possible to measure the efficiency and quality of these systems. The results are presented in:

Tables, graphs and analysis

Country Profiles

CEPEJ-STAT database

Powerpoint presentation of the report

Summary of main trends: presentation note

Press release

Watch the video of the presentation of the report

For more information:  
[email protected]

Watch the video of the President of the CEPEJ-GT-EVAL:


Country profiles present all main indicators for each country (human and financial resources, salaries of judges and prosecutors, gender balance within the judicial professions, efficiency of the various jurisdictions, measurement of the activity of prosecution services) as well as comparisons of these indicators with the CoE median and their evolutions since 2010. The ICT deployment index per categories and topic is also presented.

For the first time, the country profiles contain synthetic analysis on the budget and efficiency, as well as on highlights for each judicial system, based on data and comments provided by the countries.

You can also consult the exhaustive replies to the questionnaire by country as transmitted by the national correspondents.

To extract, cross-reference and compare data, you can use the dynamic public database CEPEJ-STAT which contains all collected data since 2010 via the CEPEJ national correspondents appointed by each Member or observer State participating to the evaluation process. It allows to generate graphs, tables and maps on quantitative and qualitative data by theme, country and/or year. Data are organised as dashboards where data are interactively linked to different charts and tables and explorers, where detailed tables for all countries can be retrieved. All data are accompanied by comments that are available within these dashboards and explorers.


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