March 2020 - Aout 2022

European Union/Council of Europe Joint Programme 

Regional Support to Reinforce Human rights, Rule of Law and Democracy in the Southern Mediterranean (South Programme IV) 

co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe

and implemented by the Council of Europe


An earlier phase of this programme (March 2018 - December 2020) was supported by the European Union.

Context of the project

Supporting the implementation of judicial reforms and promoting the efficiency and the quality of justice systems by improving the functioning of the courts remains both a strategic priority and a crosscutting area of work under the South Programme IV. In particular, aimed at policy-makers and judicial practitioners in the Southern Mediterranean region, the CEPEJ’s concrete tools are key instruments for supporting the efficiency of judiciary systems in developing local knowledge and ownership on these issues. Promoting the use of these tools through best practices sharing, round tables, conferences, workshops, and peer to peer exchanges will be essential to consolidate existing and develop new collaborations with the South Programme IV beneficiaries in this area. South Programme IV builds upon the activities implemented under the previous phase, South Programme III, providing tailored support to the beneficiaries of the region, with, whenever possible, a strengthened regional focus (regional events targeting issues of common interest of the beneficiaries).

Objectives of the project

To promote the independence, efficiency and quality of justice systems of the Region by improving the functioning of the courts and supporting the implementation of judicial reforms and the revision of relevant normative frameworks in compliance with European standards.

Expected results


Ministries of Justice, Council of State of Egypt, Council of the Judiciary, High Institute for the Judiciary, pilot courts, courts’ staff, lawyers.


Anastasiia Nohovitsyna
Project coordinator

Sandrine Lutz
Project assistant


Back Round table on “Improving the management of dashboards at Egyptian administrative courts”

Round table on “Improving the management of dashboards at Egyptian administrative courts”

On 11 February 2021, the CEPEJ organised an online round table for judges of the Egyptian Council of State on “Improving the management of dashboards at Egyptian administrative courts”

The round table was opened by the President of the Egyptian Council of State, in the presence of representatives of the Delegation of the European Union to Egypt in Cairo, the CEPEJ secretariat and international experts.

The discussions focused on presenting the CEPEJ tools, concerning dashboards, performance indicators, and statistical data management techniques based on the CEPEJ methodology, to the Council of State judges and staff, and on how these tools can help to understand, manage and improve the courts’ performances.  

This activity was organised in the framework of the Joint Programme "Regional Support to Reinforce Human Rights, Rule of Law and Democracy in the Southern Mediterranean" (South Programme IV), financed by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Online - Egypt 11 February 2021
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