January 2023 – December 2026


Strengthening the Quality and Efficiency of Justice in Albania (SEJ IV)

The project is co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, and is implemented by the Council of Europe.


Context of the project

The project “Strengthening the quality and efficiency of justice in Albania” (SEJ IV) will continue supporting the justice governing institutions and courts in the implementation of the reforms aimed at increasing the efficiency and quality of justice system based on the CEPEJ tools and methodologies as adapted in the Albanian context.

Project’s objectives

The project will contribute to increasing transparency and efficiency of judiciary institutions through improved court management and performance, improved quality of services for users in accordance with CEPEJ standards and tools, and supported by a wider use of IT and online tools. The use of alternative dispute resolution will be expanded, based on CEPEJ Mediation Development Toolkit. In coordination with the Dashboard WB action, the collection, processing and analysis of data on the functioning of the judicial system and judicial statistics according to the CEPEJ methodology will be improved.

Main activities

  • Capacity building activities on the use of cyberjustice tools (including for the development of the new ICMIS, for notification of the court users and for web-based court users’ satisfaction surveys), quality of justice tools (concerning for example improving the relations of the justice system with public and media) and efficient human resource management.
  • Common and individual court coaching projects to improve court performance and reduce backlog.
  • Recommendations and support on improving inspection guidelines and practices.
  • Training activities and development of specific modules on the efficiency and quality of justice for magistrates.
  • Recommendations and support on introducing ADR tools.
  • Workshops to improve the collection, processing and analysis of data on the functioning of the judicial system and judicial statistics according to the CEPEJ methodology (in coordination with Dashboard Western Balkans Action).

Project beneficiaries and stakeholders

Ministry of Justice, Bar Association of Albania, School of Magistrates High Judicial Council, High Prosecutorial Council, High Inspection of Justice, Chamber of Mediation, courts, and court users.


Council of Europe - Strasbourg


Anastasiia Nohovitsyna
Project coordinator

Council of Europe office in Tirana (Albania)


Laurela Muca
Project manager




Eglantina Reka
Project Assistant

Translations of CEPEJ documents:


Back The CEPEJ organises a visit of the representatives of the General Inspection of Justice of France and a training on thematic inspections in Albania

The CEPEJ organises a visit of the representatives of the General Inspection of Justice of France and a training on thematic inspections in Albania

The CEPEJ organised an exchange between the President of the European Network of Justice Inspections (RESIJ) and Chief of the General Inspection of Justice of France Mr Christophe Straudo, and the High Inspector of Justice of Albania, Mr Artur Metani, on 1 - 2 June 2023 in Tirana (Albania). They discussed key challenges of their institutions to ensure that judges and prosecutors uphold high professional standards in delivering justice. They have also met the Minister of Justice, the representatives of the Supreme Court and of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils, the School of Magistrates as well as with the Parliament of Albania.

In parallel, two inspectors of the General Inspection of Justice of France, Mr Jean-Louis Daumas and Ms Marjorie Obadia, have trained 38 members of the High Inspector of Justice in Albania on thematic missions of the inspection (for example, missions of information, expertise and advice and missions of evaluation of public policies), during which relevant French and European experiences were presented. The training module was the third of the series of trainings on European judicial inspection practices delivered in cooperation with RESIJ (based on the Training Needs Assessment developed by the Action).

The activity was organized by the action Strengthening the Quality and Efficiency of Justice in Albania (SEJ IV) in the framework of the European Union/Council of Europe joint programme Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye (Horizontal Facility III), co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Tirana, Albania 1 - 2 June 2023
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