State Parties to the Lanzarote Convention are required to observe and evaluate the phenomenon of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children. This is essential to ensure evidenced based law and policies are implemented to combat these crimes.

In December 2022, the Lanzarote Committee decided to start work on collecting updated data on sexual violence against children in Parties to the Convention. During its 41st meeting (13-15 February 2024), the Committee adopted a survey to map existing mechanisms to data collection on the nature and phenomenon of child sexual exploitation and sexual abuse in State Parties. The Survey will not collect statistical data. Replies received will be analysed by the Committee with a view assessing and strengthening the implementation of the Convention in State Parties. 

The deadline for States to submit their replies is 5 June 2024.

​​ Albania






 Bosnia and Herzegovina




 Czech Republic

















 Republic of Moldova




 North Macedonia





 Russian Federation

 San Marino


 Slovak Republic








 United Kingdom



 Survey on data collection

 Replies submitted by State Parties

 Information submitted by civil society and other stakeholders