What is the project?

The Project aims to strengthen Ukraine’s response to violence against children, including child sexual exploitation and abuse, in the context of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.

The project will focus on protection and promotion of children’s rights, in view of the particular risks generated by the conflict for displaced children, children without parental care, unaccompanied children, child victims or witnesses of violence in line with Council of Europe standards. It will focus on enhancing the effectiveness of frameworks aimed at child friendly settings and procedures for investigation, as well as improving capacities of multiple professional target groups working with children.

The project is a direct follow-up of the previous Council of Europe projects "Combating violence against women and children" (2017-2018), "Combating violence against children in Ukraine, Phase II" (2020-2021), and “Combating violence against children in Ukraine, Phase III” (2022).

The project will be implemented within the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine “Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction” (2023-2026) by the Council of Europe Children's Rights Division and in close co-operation with the Council of Europe Office in Kyiv during 2023-2024.

To learn more about the project objectives, results, activities, partners and target groups, please consult the project webpage.