Back Launch of the national network for the NEET Youth integration in the vocational education and training system

Launch of the national network for the NEET Youth integration in the vocational education and training system

On 25 June 2024, the Council of Europe project “Enhancing employment rights in the Republic of Moldova” launched the National Network for the Integration of NEET Youth in Vocational Education and Training System.

The overall goal of the National Network for the Integration of NEET Youth in VET system is to improve the quality and accessibility of vocational education and training for NEET youth, and to ensure their effective and sustainable integration into the labour market and society. In particular, the Network will strive to:

  • Strengthen the efforts of VET institutions to develop and implement programs and services tailored to the needs of NEET youth.
  • Promote the exchange of good practice and expertise between network members to respond effectively to labour market requirements.
  • Facilitate the integration of NEET youth into the labour market through counselling and career guidance services and the establishment of partnerships with the public and private sector.
  • Promote gender equality through gender-sensitive education and training mechanisms in the VET system.
  • Improve the relevance and quality of education and training program to support economic and social cohesion, increased competitiveness and sustainable development of society.

Present at the event, Mr Falk LANGE, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Chisinau emphasized that one of the key objectives of the project is to support the creation of a network that meets the need of NEET youth for inclusion and employment in the labour market. The VET system should become more attractive to NEET youth by offering equal opportunities and reducing their vulnerability. It plays a crucial role in attracting and integrating young people into the labor market and is best placed to contribute to the social inclusion of young NEETs, leading to reduced unemployment and an improved quality of life.

The State Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, Ms Galina RUSU, reiterated that empowering every citizen with necessary skills for employment is the top priority for the Ministry of Education and Research. Vocational Education and Training is an important segment of education. The inconsistency between unemployed graduates and the shortage of professionals must be reduced and the efforts of this platform should further help balance things.

The State Secretary of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova, Ms Felicia BECHTOLDT noted that a large number of NEET young people are still choosing to go abroad, leaving behind opportunities that could facilitate their access to the labor market. The role of this Network is to collaborate more closely with employers, ensuring they offer decent working conditions for young VET graduates, and become a lasting partner and a strong advocate for NEET young people.”

During the event, the Network founding members signed the Memorandum of Understanding and the Network Rules of Procedure and presented the Network Plan of Activities for 2024 -2025.

As a first step in promoting the visibility of the Network, a Facebook page was developed with the support of the project. The Network members will use it as a platform for sharing its activities, achievements, and best practices.

The launch of the National Network for the Integration of NEET Youth in Vocational Education and Training System shows the commitment of VET institution to reducing social exclusion and unemployment among young people in the Republic of Moldova.

This event was organized within the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova 2021-2024, and the Council of Europe project "Enhancing employment rights in the Republic of Moldova" which is co-funded by the Austrian Development Agency and the Council of Europe.


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