Back Strengthening Protection of Vulnerable Groups in the Republic of Moldova

Strengthening Protection of Vulnerable Groups in the Republic of Moldova

Safeguarding vulnerable groups against discrimination and bias-motivated crimes was a central topic of the workshops held during April and May 2024, involving representatives of the support network against hate crimes from districts of Soroca, Calarasi, Dubasari, and Cimislia.

Those networks, created with the support of the Council of Europe, gather local authorities, community police officers, social assistants, local NGOs, with an aim to provide specialised support and guidance for vulnerable groups and potential victims of discrimination and bias-motivated violence. The workshops enabled discussion about the procedures for filing discrimination complaints with the Equality Council and recognising the under-reporting of discrimination and bias-motivated incidents.  Participant also praised a development of a specialised pocket booklet providing guidelines about rights and protection mechanisms, encouraging vulnerable groups to seek support.

The cooperation with established networks will be continued during 2024, ensuring that engagement of all involved actors further contributes to better inter-institutional cooperation, provides for a more inclusive, equal society and also for a better protection for victims of discrimination.

The activity is part of the Council of Europe project Enhancing diversity and equality in the Republic of Moldova,  implemented in the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova for 2021-2024 and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Council of Europe project ‘’Promoting non-discrimination in the Republic of Moldova’’.

Soroca/Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 30 April, 2024/21-22 May, 2024
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