What is the project?

The project objective is to deliver justice that is better aligned with European standards in the field of discrimination  in the Republic of Moldovain the Republic of Moldova.

It is a project co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, and implemented by the Council of Europe in the framework of the Partnership for Good Governance Programme - phase II (2019-2021).

 How does the project work?

Capacity-building activities: training courses, human rights education courses for legal professionals (HELP), seminars, round tables, exchange of experiences, conferences, etc

Support in developing normative framework (internal regulations, guidelines, etc)

Awareness-raising activities.

Building on the results of co-operation in the field of justice under PGG Phase I (2015-2018).


 Project summary ENG / RO

 Reports and legal opinions:

Opinion on Draft Amendments to: Law on Ensuring Equality (Law No. 121); and Law on Activity of the Council for Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and Ensuring Equality (Law No. 298)  ENG / RO

Moldovan Equality Council: A Monitoring Framework, Strategy & Process Report ENG / RO

Report - Efficiency of Recommendations issued by the Council for Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and Ensuring Equality ENG / RO

National study on the perception of the general population and the opinion of professionals on the preparedness of justice sector actors to deal with cases of discrimination RO

 Study on perception and attitudes towards equality RO

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 What do we aim to achieve?

Back Towards an improved cooperation between the Equality Council and the Judiciary in the Republic of Moldova

Towards an improved cooperation between the Equality Council and the Judiciary in the Republic of Moldova

Representatives of the Equality Council and judges designated by the Superior Council of Magistracy took part in an online roundtable “Fundamental rights in the context of war – freedom of expression and its limitations”.

The exchange between the equality body and the Judiciary was initiated in April 2021, aiming at fostering cooperation in legal matters related to discrimination. It entailed a series of meetings devoted to different topics relevant for the protection from discrimination and equality.

This last event enabled a joint discussion about the newest developments in the case-law of international courts, including the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights on freedom of expression. Participants also had the possibility to get more information about the practice of the National Council for Combating Discrimination of Romania and the cooperation with the national judicial system on anti-discrimination. The equality body as public authority with expertise in non-discrimination can provide useful opinions, based on accumulated practice of the institution and data-base information related to the relevant cases. Those opinions, despite not binding for courts, can still be very useful as they provide information on additional aspects relevant for the protection of victims of discrimination, can contribute to better reasoning of judgments and have an educational role for all relevant actors.

As pointed out by William MASSOLIN, Head of the Council of Europe office in Chisinau, the discussion had an additional value considering the current developments in the region:

Particularly in such challenging times, the co-operation of all actors in the field of anti-discrimination is of utmost importance for the improvement of practices and measures aimed at addressing these hurdles, including combating hate speech especially against vulnerable groups. Your collaboration and joint work contribute to the better protection of victims of discrimination in the Republic of Moldova.

To conclude the event, it was highlighted that the continuation of cooperation among institutions is very important, as well as the systematic discussions on new legal developments, for the benefit of further promotion of non-discrimination, diversity, and equality in the Republic of Moldova and having citizens feeling their rights are protected.

This activity was organised jointly within the European Union and the Council of Europe projects “Strengthening access to justice through non-judicial redress mechanisms for victims of discrimination, hate crime and hate speech in Eastern Partnership countries” and  ”Strengthening the capacities of the justice sector actors to deliver justice in line with European standards, in particular to fight discrimination in the Republic of Moldova, implemented in the framework of the programme “Partnership for Good Governance II, 2019-2022”.

22 February 2023
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 Who we work with?

Council for Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination and Ensuring Equality, National Institute of Justice, Lawyers Training Center, Lawyers Union, NGOs, acclaimed experts in the field.

 Who benefits from the project?

The project targets judges, prosecutors, lawyers, law enforcement professionals. It ultimately benefits general public at risk of being discriminated agains and victims of discrimination.