Enhancing employment rights in the Republic of Moldova
About the project
Social rights are core European values enshrined in a number of formal commitments undertaken by Council of Europe Member States, including the Republic of Moldova. Respect for and the promotion of social rights are essential in attaining sustainable democracy.
The Council of Europe standards in the field of social and economic rights are enshrined in the European Social Charter. The implementation of the European Social Charter by States Parties is supervised by the European Committee of Social Rights through the collective complaints procedure and the reporting system. The Republic of Moldova ratified the revised European Social Charter on 8 November 2001 and has accepted 63 of the 98 paragraphs. It has not accepted the Additional Protocol providing for a system of collective complaints.
During January 2023 – December 2025 the Council of Europe will implement the project “Enhancing employment rights in the Republic of Moldova” (hereinafter – the project), which is the first full-fledged project implemented by the Council of Europe in the field of social labour rights in the Republic of Moldova. The project is part of the Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova 2021-2024 and is co-funded by the Austrian Development Agency and the Council of Europe.
The project pursues the overall objective of enhancing the observance of social labour rights in line with international standards and facilitating the access of persons from vulnerable groups to vocational education and training and subsequent employment.
The project will pay due regard to the country’s priorities set in different strategic papers such as the Development Strategy “Education 2030”, the European Union - Republic of Moldova Association Agreement, the European Commission Opinion on the Republic of Moldova’s application for membership of the European Union as well as the Framework Strategy of the Austrian Development Cooperation with the European Union Eastern Partner Countries for the Republic of Moldova.
Project duration: 36 months (January 2023 – December 2025).
The project is implemented in cooperation with the Parliamentary Commission on social protection, health and family, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, State Labour Inspectorate, National Agency for Employment (and territorial branches), National Trade Union, People’s Advocate Office (Ombudsperson Institution), Council for eliminating and preventing discrimination and ensuring equality, selected VET institutions.
Who benefits from the project?
The project targets Staff from the State Labour Inspectorate; legal professionals (judges, lawyers); representatives from National Human Rights Institution and civil society organisations specialised in equal opportunities; trade union representatives, management, teachers and students of VET institutions; persons from vulnerable/disadvantaged groups, in particular persons with disabilities, Roma, Roma women; NEET youth. The final beneficiaries are the general population, benefitting from enhanced protection of employment rights.
Project leaflet, publications, reports and studies