Local authorities’ relevant services and Police protect vulnerable groups from hatred and hate-motivated violence and coordinate among themselves in this process and with civil society organisations

a) Police officers at local level in four pilot rayons develop appropriate ways of addressing hate crimes affecting LGBTI people

b) Local services, Police, prosecutors and civil society organisations have increased capacities to tackle hate crimes within their respective work with vulnerable groups

c) Networks of local services and civil society organisations are established in four pilot rayons on combating hate crimes

The main activities in relation to this outcome and related outputs are:

  • Training for the Police (training of trainers and cascade trainings) on the Council of Europe toolkit “Policing hate crimes against LGBTI persons: training for a professional police response”;
  •  Organisation of at least 5 local level community building meetings on tolerance, diversity and inclusion, with the involvement of relevant local actors;
  • Piloting a trust police-LGBTI network to improve the follow-up to hate motivated cases.
  • Capacity building activities for the identified local actors on diversity and inclusion and combating hatred towards the most vulnerable groups;
  • Piloting a network of diversity focal points in regions/municipalities;
  • Peer to peer exchanges with other Council of Europe member States engaged in similar processes and adaptation of Council of Europe’s tools for local level integration to the Moldovan context;