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Improving by-laws in electoral field

Following the adoption of the new Electoral Code of the Republic of Moldova on 8 December 2022, the Council of Europe (CoE) provides continuous supports to the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) to align the secondary electoral legislation to the provisions of the new Code, as well as to the recommendations of the Venice Commission and the International Election Observation Missions.

Council of Europe experts assisted the CEC in drafting the normative regulations on financing political parties, electoral dispute resolution by electoral management bodies and certification of electoral officials among others.

In accordance with the law, the CEC holds several public consultations to collect opinions and suggestions from different stakeholders, including public institutions, political parties and civil society representatives, as well as national experts in these fields.

During today’s consultation the participants made several proposals aimed at improving the draft regulations pertaining to the State Register of the Voters and to the drawing up, administrating, disseminating, and updating of the voters’ rolls.

With the assistance of CoE experts, the CEC will now analyse these proposals during the review of the draft regulations before submitting them to the CEC members for their final approval.  

Within the framework of the CoE Action Plan 2021-2024 for the Republic of Moldova, the Council of Europe, through the Project “Improving Electoral Practice in the Republic of Moldova, Phase III”, will continue providing expertise and support to the Republic of Moldova in the field of elections.

Press release (available only in Romanian)

Chisinau 24.03.2023
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