Awareness-raising materials

Combating violence against children in the Republic of Moldova

Strengthening access to justice for victims of discrimination, hate crime and hate speech in the Eastern Partnership

Project “Promoting a human rights compliant criminal justice system in the Republic of Moldova”

Strengthening access to justice for victims of discrimination, hate crime and hate speech in the Eastern Partnership
„Tolea, it’s still me!” – Oameni și Kilometri (
Толя, это все равно я» – Oameni și Kilometri (
The [in]visible line – Oameni și Kilometri (
[Не]видимая черта – Oameni și Kilometri (
Resistance – Oameni și Kilometri (
Сопротивление – Oameni și Kilometri (
„It’s like I’m the celebrity of the village” – Oameni și Kilometri (
«В селе я как будто звезда» – Oameni și Kilometri (
„Immunised” against disability – Oameni și Kilometri (
«Прививка» от ограничения возможностей – Oameni și Kilometri (
Education for democracy in the Republic of Moldova
10 for Education for democracy
Eight destinies – eight stories of young people from the Republic of Moldova who apply in their communities the competences acquired during civic education classes. Two destinies – two Moldovan teachers who speak about their experience of teaching the new civic education subject. Solidarity, respect for diversity, civic engagement and civic mindedness are some of the themes of the ten video stories produced by the Council of Europe Project “Education for Democracy in the Republic of Moldova”.