The chairmanship/presidency[Note] The Rules of Procedure of the Committee of Ministers and the Rules of procedure for the meetings of the Ministers' Deputies refer extensively to “Chairmanship” and “Chairman”. Taking into account the ongoing work on the use of non-sexist language in the Council of Europe and pending a possible revision of these Rules and other relevant texts, the terms “Presidency” or “President/Chair” may be used instead of “Chairmanship” and “Chairman”. of the Committee of Ministers is held for a six-month term in turn by the representatives of the members in English alphabetical order. The chairmanship/presidency is transferred from one member State to the next in mid-May and mid-November, at a date fixed by the Committee based on a joint proposal by the incoming and outgoing Presidents.

At the handover ceremony, the incoming President presents the priorities of his/her country's chairmanship/presidency to the Committee of Ministers and the outgoing President presents a stocktaking report of the last six months.

The President acts in a neutral way and ensures that the rules and guidelines are respected. He/she guides the discussions, put proposals to the vote and announces decisions.

Current Presidency

Past and future