Back Meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies on 14 December 2022

 At their 1452nd meeting, on 14 December, the Ministers’ Deputies approved a record €50 million Action Plan for Ukraine for 2023-2026. The Action Plan “Resilience, Recover and Reconstruction” has been developed in close consultation with the Ukrainian authorities and is part of the Council of Europe’s contribution to the rebuilding process and recovery of the country, faced with the brutal aggression of the Russian Federation and immense destruction [more information …]. 

The Deputies also adopted a Recommendation to member States on human rights principles and guidelines on age assessment in the context of migration and took note of its Explanatory Memorandum. Refugee and migrant children are among the most vulnerable and exposed persons on the move. Being unable to prove their age can increase this vulnerability and the risk of being subjected to violence, exploitation, abuse and/or becoming victims of trafficking. The Recommendation is the first international legal instrument setting human rights standards on age assessment in the context of migration [more information …]. 

In the framework of their supervision of execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, the Deputies closed 164 cases, bringing the total number of cases closed in 2022 to approximately 835. 

Finally, the Deputies held an exchange of views with Ms Helga Schmid, Secretary General of the OSCE, on the ongoing work of the OSCE, co-operation with the Council of Europe and recent developments within the OSCE. 

The other items examined by the Deputies appear in the Agenda and the decisions adopted are available in the meeting file.


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