Back Meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies on 31 May 2023

At their 1467th meeting, on 31 May, the Deputies held their first discussion on the follow-up to the Fourth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe (Reykjavík, 16-17 May 2023).
The Deputies also held a thematic discussion on the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI), with the participation of:
-        Ms Sirpa Rautio, Chair of the ENNHRI and Director of the Finnish Human Rights Centre
-        Ms Debbie Kohner, Secretary General of the ENNHRI
-        Ms Katrien Meuwissen, the author of an ENNHRI baseline study on the implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2021)1 on “development and strengthening of effective, pluralist and independent national human rights institutions”
-        Mr Juris Jansons, Head of the Latvian National Human Rights Institution, and
-        Mr Ceslav Panico, Head of the Moldovan National Human Rights Institution.
In addition, they held an exchange of views with Ms Maria Daniella Marouda, Chair of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), and took note of ECRI’s 2022 annual activity report.
Finally, the Deputies took note of the Report of the Governor and the Financial Report of the Council of Europe Development Bank for the year 2022.
The other items examined by the Deputies appear in the Agenda and the decisions adopted are available in the meeting file.


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