Back Meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies on 7-8 February 2024

At their 1488th meeting, on 7 February 2024, the Ministers’ Deputies agreed on a number of steps to enhance the tools available to the Committee of Ministers in the supervision of the execution of European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) judgments. They also took note of a report on issues related to the judges of the ECtHR and took several decisions based on its recommendations.
Recalling that the Russian Federation is no longer a member State of the Council of Europe and has ceased complying with its obligations under Article 46 § 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights, the Deputies invited the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law (CAHDI) to explore all possible avenues consistent with international law aimed at securing the payment by the Russian Federation of just satisfaction awarded by the ECtHR, while respecting the immunities of States and their property, and to provide an indicative overview of possible avenues.
The Deputies took note of the five Resolutions and the Strategy “Learners First – Education for today's and tomorrow's democratic societies” adopted at the 26th Session of the Council of Europe Standing Conference of Ministers of Education and mandated the Steering Committee for Education (CDEDU) to examine these resolutions with a view to ensuring appropriate follow-up measures.
They also took note of the “Elements for a Council of Europe reference framework for a Youth Perspective”, as proposed by the Joint Council on Youth (CMJ), and endorsed the preparation of this reference framework for presentation at the 133rd Ministerial Session in May 2024. The Deputies also took note of the guidelines entitled “Youth participation 2.0 – CMJ guidelines on young people's participation”.
In addition, the Deputies held an exchange of views with Mr Carlo Monticelli, Governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) [more information …].
On 8 February, the Deputies held their annual exchange of views on relations with the United Nations on human rights questions. In the morning, there was a thematic discussion on “Torture and ill-treatment”, including presentations of the work carried out by the two Organisations, with the participation of Dr Alice Jill Edwards, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; Christos Giakoumopoulos, Council of Europe Director General of Human Rights and Rule of Law; and Marja Ruotanen, Council of Europe Director General of Democracy and Human Dignity. In the afternoon, the Deputies held an exchange of views with Ambassador Omar Zniber, President of the United Nations Human Rights Council.
The other items examined by the Deputies appear in the Agenda and the decisions adopted are available in the meeting file.


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