Back The CDADI holds its 9th plenary meeting on 18-20 June

The CDADI holds its 9th plenary meeting on 18-20 June

The Steering Committee on Anti-Discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI) will hold its 9th plenary meeting in Strasbourg on 18-20 June 2024.

During the upcoming plenary meeting, the CDADI will advance the work on several deliverables prepared by its substructures (ADI-INT, ADI-ROM, ADI-SOGIESC, GEC/ADI-AI) and working groups. Specifically, the CDADI will:

  • consider for adoption the Roadmap and the six related tools for the implementation of capacity building programmes supporting the implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2020)2 on the inclusion of the history of Roma and/or Travellers in school curricula and teaching materials at national level;
  • consider for adoption a Compilation on promising practices on combating hate speech at national level;
  • consider for adoption the third thematic report on Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5 on the Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health and Access to Healthcare for LGBTI People in Europe;
  • provide guidance to the ADI-SOGIESC and its drafting group for the further work on the draft of the Committee of Ministers Recommendation on the equality of rights for intersex persons;
  • provide guidance to the Committee of Experts on Artificial Intelligence, Equality and Discrimination (GEC/ADI-AI) on the development of a draft Committee of Ministers Recommendation on artificial intelligence, equality and discrimination;
  • take note of the progress made with the preparation of a Study on recurrent problematic areas in the field of regional or national minority language protection and identification of good practices in member States;
  • take note of and provide guidance for the finalisation of the Feasibility study on desegregation and inclusion policies and practices in the field of education for Roma and Traveller children;
  • provide guidance for the preparation of a Guidance document on strategies for inclusion in the fields under the responsibility of the CDADI.

Exchanges of views will be held on ECRI’s annual report with the Chair of ECRI, Bertil COTTIER, and the ECRI representative to the CDADI, Maria Daniella MAROUDA.

This year, the 9th CDADI plenary meeting coincides with the Council of Europe No Hate Speech Week, which brings together representatives of national authorities, civil society organisations, academia and business to exchange on recent legal and policy developments and good practices in preventing and combating hate speech. It is organised around 18 June to mark the International Day to Counter Hate Speech proclaimed by the UN General Assembly. CDADI members, participants and observers will exchange views and intensively interact with the participants of the No Hate Speech Week in order to further implementation of the Committee of Ministers Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)16 on combating hate speech.

The CDADI members, participants and observers are also invited to take part in the Award ceremony for the Journalism Excellence Awards - Ethical reporting on Roma and fight against racism and antigypsyism through the media on 18 June.

Strasbourg 18 June 2024
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