Photo of the CDADI taken on 1 December 2022


The Steering Committee on Anti-Discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI):
  • was set up by the Committee of Ministers in 2019 as an intergovernmental committee and started work in 2020. 
  • the CDADI steers the Council of Europe’s intergovernmental work to promote equality for all and build more inclusive societies that offer effective protection from discrimination and hate, ensure equal participation in political and public life for all without discrimination on any ground, and where diversity is respected.
  • advises the Committee of Ministers on all questions within its mandate, including preventing and combating hate crime, hate speech and discrimination on grounds of “race”, colour, language, religion, national/ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation and gender identity; fighting antigypsyism and improving the effective participation and inclusion of Roma and Travellers in society; safeguarding the rights of persons belonging to national minorities and the use of regional or minority languages; ensuring equality of rights of LGBTI persons, and promoting intercultural integration.
  • promotes and facilitates thematic exchanges and peer reviews of experience and good practice to develop common policy responses to the many challenges related to increasing discrimination and hate in our societies.
  • takes due account of the Reykjavik Declaration in conducting its activities and submit proposals for its implementation as appropriate.
  • takes account of the relevant key findings and challenges set out in the Secretary General’s 2023 Report on the state of democracy, human rights and rule of law “An Invitation to Recommit to the Values and Standards of the Council of Europe”.
  • contributes to the achievement of, and review progress towards, the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in particular with regards to Goal 3: Good health and well-being; Goal 4: Quality Education; Goal 5: Gender Equality; Goal 10: Reduce inequality; Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities; and Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong institutions.