The CDADI and its expert committees are composed by members (these are representatives of the 46 Council of Europe member States), participants (these are representatives of other Council of Europe bodies, observer States and other international organisations) and observers (including civil society organisations). Details are regulated in Resolution CM/Res(2021)3.

The CDADI and its substructures co-operate with civil society in many ways. Some big international networks of civil society organisations have observer status under Article 8 of Resolution CM/Res(2021)3. The CDADI and its expert committees and working groups furthermore involve a broad range of civil society organisations in exchanges of views, thematic discussions and consultation procedures on draft standards, studies and other documents. Civil society organisations, which are interested in getting involved into a specific strand of the work of the CDADI, may contact the Secretariat through our contact-form.


  • Rapporteur on Gender Equality    

         Käthlin SANDER (Estonia)

  • Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

        Axel VAN WEYNENDAELE (Belgium)

  • Rapporteur on the rights of Children and Young People 

        Nicolae RĂDIŢA (Republic of Moldova)

  • Wolfram Bechtel 


  • Charlotte Gilmartin


  • Cristina Milagre


  • Ljiljana Stojisavljevic  


  • Sandrine Jousse
