Committees of experts
The CDADI provides a co-ordinating supervising and monitoring role in the functioning of its substructures:
Committee of Experts on Intercultural Inclusion (ADI-INT)
Under the authority of the Committee of Ministers and as a subordinate body to the Steering Committee on Anti-discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI), the ADI-INT is instructed to complete the following deliverables:
- Guidance document on strategies for inclusion in the fields under the responsibility of the CDADI;
- Concept and methodology for a new peer learning and benchmarking tool on strategies for inclusion in the fields under the responsibility of the CDADI;
- Initiatives for the dissemination and implementation at national level of CM/Rec(2022)10 on multilevel policies and governance for intercultural integration, including tools for the capacity-building programme for migrant integration.
Committee of Experts on Roma and Traveller Issues (ADI-ROM)
The Committee of Experts on Roma and Traveller Issues (ADI-ROM) oversees the implementation of the Strategic Action Plans for Roma and Traveller Inclusion (2020-2025 and 2026 -2030). It reviews the implementation of national legislation, policy and practice concerning Roma and Traveller inclusion through thematic reports based on visits, with a view to promoting relevant Council of Europe standards. Based on those thematic reports, the ADI-ROM exchanges information, views and experience on member States’ legislation, policies and practice concerning Roma and Travellers inclusion in order to identify examples of effective measures and practices and to assist member States in the development and implementation of successful Roma and Traveller inclusion policies, paying due attention to persons in particularly vulnerable situations.
In particular, the ADI-ROM is instructed to complete the following deliverables:
- Capacity-building programme and tools supporting the implementation at national level of Recommendation CM/Rec(2020)2 on the inclusion of the history of Roma and/or Travellers in school curricula and teaching materials;
- Final evaluation report on the implementation of the Strategic Action Plan for Roma and Traveller Inclusion (2020-2025);
- Draft Council of Europe strategy for Roma and Traveller inclusion 2026-2030;
- Subject to the results of the feasibility study, draft Recommendation on desegregation and inclusion policies and practices in the field of education of Roma and Traveller children;
- Handbook on democratic governance and representation and participation of Roma and Travellers in public and political life;
- Compilation of promising practices at national level and tools for the implementation of relevant aspects of the possible Recommendation on equality for Roma and Traveller women and girls at national level;
- Two or more thematic reports per year, emanating from the thematic visits, notably as regards the implementation of Council of Europe standards (to be adopted by ADI-ROM and transmitted to CDADI for discussions and follow-up).
Committee of Experts on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sex Characteristics (ADI-SOGIESC)
Under the authority of the Committee of Ministers and as a subordinate body to the Steering Committee on Anti-discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI), the ADI-SOGIESC is instructed to complete the following deliverables:
- Draft Recommendation on the equality of rights of intersex persons
- Comprehensive review of the implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5 on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity based on a new review methodology
- Draft Council of Europe strategy for the equality of rights of LGBTI persons (2027-2032), based on the implementation review of Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5 and, subject to its adoption, on the Recommendation on the equality of rights of intersex persons
- Study on the risks and impediments to the full access to rights resulting from discrimination and violence on grounds of gender expression
- Review of thematic dimensions of Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5
Terms of Reference of ADI-SOGIESC
Committee of Experts on Artificial Intelligence, Equality and Discrimination (GEC/ADI-AI)
Under the authority of the Committee of Ministers and of the Gender Equality Commission (GEC) and the Steering Committee on Anti-discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI), the GEC/ADI-AI is instructed to complete the following deliverable:
- Based on the relevant study and on the results of the work of CAI, draft Recommendation on the impact of artificial intelligence systems, their potential for promoting equality – including gender equality – and the risks they may cause in relation to non-discrimination
Terms of Reference of GEC/ADI-AI
Previous Structure(s)
Committee of Experts on Hate Crime (PC/ADI-CH)
During the biennium 2022/2023, the PC/ADI-CH was instructed to draft a comprehensive Recommendation on combating hate crime including its investigation and victim support, building on the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and drawing upon existing Council of Europe texts. The PC/ADI-CH was a joint body, subordinated to both the European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC) and the Steering Committee on Anti-discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI).
The Recommendation CM/Rec(2024)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on combating hate crime was adopted on 7 May 2024 at the 1498th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies.
Terms of Reference of PC/ADI-CH
Committee of Experts on Combating Hate Speech (ADI/MSI-DIS)
During the biennium 2020/2021, the Committee of Experts on Combating Hate Speech (ADI/MSI-DIS) had the specific task of preparing a draft recommendation by the Committee of Ministers on a comprehensive approach to addressing hate speech, including in the context of an online environment, within a human rights framework building on the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and drawing upon existing Council of Europe texts and the legacy of the No Hate Speech Movement Youth Campaign, as well as possible practical tools to give guidance to member states and other stakeholders in this area.
The ADI/MSI-DIS was a joint body, which was sub-ordinated to two steering committees, the Steering Committee on Anti-discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI) and the Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI). Due to the complex nature of hate speech as a phenomenon that must be addressed from the freedom of expression angle as well as from the perspective of non-discrimination and inclusion, experts from both sides worked together towards one effective and comprehensive approach.
The Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)16 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on combating hate speech was adopted on 20 May 2022 at the ministerial session of the Committee of Ministers in Turin.
- European Commission against Racism and Intolerance
- Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
- European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
- Roma and Travellers Division
- Intercultural cities programme
- Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics
- Inclusion and anti-discrimination
- Information page on Council of Europe’s work on Hate Speech