ADI-INT at a glance

The Committee of Experts on intercultural inclusion (ADI-INT) assists the Steering Committee on Anti-Discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI) in steering the Council of Europe’s intergovernmental work “to promote equality for all and build more inclusive societies that offer effective protection from discrimination and hate, ensure equal participation in political and public life for all without discrimination on any ground, and where diversity is respected”.

In 2022, the ADI-INT took over the work of the former Working Group on Intercultural Integration (GT-ADI-INT). Its current mandate covers the years 2024 to 2027.

terms of reference

Between 2024 and 2027, the ADI-INT is instructed to complete the following deliverables:

  • Guidance document on strategies for inclusion in the fields under the responsibility of the CDADI
  • Concept and methodology for a new peer learning and benchmarking tool on strategies for inclusion in the fields under the responsibility of the CDADI
  • Initiatives for the dissemination and implementation at national level of CM/Rec(2022)10 on multilevel policies and governance for intercultural integration, including tools for the capacity-building programme for migrant integration

The multilevel composition of the ADI-INT, comprising representatives of ten Council of Europe member states, eight representatives of local authorities that are member of the Intercultural Cities Programme, and two representatives of regional authorities, will also contribute to promoting multi-level dialogue and co-operation between local, regional and national policy makers.

 ADI-INT Terms of Reference


latest publications

Manual on equality data collection to tackle systemic discrimination