Back Using the CEFR Companion volume to enhance teacher agency in school-based language curriculum making



The sixth workshop of CEFR Online Workshop Series 2022 entitled “Using the CEFR Companion volume to enhance teacher agency in school-based language curriculum making" took place on Thursday, 8 September 2022.

This workshop presented ways to raise teacher critical awareness and enhance collaborative language curriculum making with the use of the CEFR. Participants had the opportunity to bring their own curricular issues in the discussion and look at a few examples of how the CEFR scales can be used in school curriculum design, in response to specific curricular issues. 

The workshop was moderated by Daniela Fasoglio. Ms Fasoglio is modern language expert at the Dutch Institute for Curriculum Development (SLO) and is responsible for national modern language curriculum reforms in Dutch secondary education. She has coordinated several CEFR dissemination and implementation activities. Her expertise includes curriculum analysis, design and evaluation, as well as development and implementation processes. She is engaged in the integration of such issues as culture, mediation and plurilingualism in language education.

 Download the Handout (English version)

Download Background reading 1: CEFR Companion volume - Chapter 2 (English version)

Download Background reading 2: Understanding curriculum* (English version)

* Priestley, M. & Nieveen, N. (2020). Understanding curriculum. In: Chartered College of Teaching (ed) The Early Career Framework Handbook (pp. 135–143). London: SAGE Publishing.

Download the Presentation (English version)

Watch Presentation I (20.57 mins)

Watch Discussion I (07.03 mins)

Watch Presentation II (08.44 mins)

Watch Discussion II (07.54 mins)

Watch Presentation III (09.34 mins)

Watch Discussion III (12.10 mins)

Online 7 September 2022
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Visual identity of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

The CEFR online :

CEFR - Companion volume (2020)

CEFR Descriptors (Searchable)

French version (Version française)

Arabic version (النسخة العربية)

Basque version (Euskarazko bertsioa)

Italian version (Versione italiana)

Spanish version (Versión en español)

Turkish version (Türkçe versiyonu)

International Sign Language (Translated from the Orginal version)

CEFR (2001)

Language Policy Portal