Enriching 21st century language education: The CEFR Companion volume in practice, 2022 (Case studies in implementation)

 Validating a set of CEFR illustrative descriptors for mediation, Research Notes No 63. Cambridge University Press. 2016. Brian North and Coreen Docherty. EN

Updating the CEFR descriptors - The Context, Research Notes No 63, Cambridge University Press. 2016. Brian North and Johanna Panthier EN

Learner identity, learner agency, and the assessment of language proficiency: Some reflections prompted by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 35, 120–139. 2015. David Little and Gudrun Erickson. EN

Immigrant pupils learn English: A CEFR-related empirical study of L2 development. (English Profile Studies 3). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2014. Bronagh Ćatibušić and David Little. EN

Politiques linguistiques en Europe : La question du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECR). N°6/ 2014. Groupe d’études sur le plurilinguisme européen FR

Putting the Common European Framework of Reference to good use. Language Teaching, 47, 02: 228 - 249, April 2014. Brian North DOI: 10.1017/S0261444811000206 EN

Survey: The Implementation of the Common European Framework for Languages in European Education Systems. 2013. Simon Broek & Inge Van den Ende. Brussels: Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies, European Parliament. EN

Relating a reading comprehension test to the CEFR levels: A case of standard-setting in practice with a focus on judges and items. 2013. Neus Figueras, Felianka Kaftandjieva and Sauli Takala. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 69, 4, 359–385. EN

Elements of L2 proficiency: The CEFR’s action-oriented approach and some of its implications. David Little (2012) In E. Tschirner (ed.), Aligning frameworks of reference in language testing: The ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines and the Common European Framework of Reference. Tübingen: Stauffenburg.

The Common European Framework of Reference – The Globalisation of Language Education Policy. 2012. Michael Byram & Lynne Parmenter (eds.). Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education. Published by Multilingual Matters – ISBN 978-1-84769-729-5 - www.mutlilingual-matters.com

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the European Language Portfolio: Some history, a view of language learner autonomy, and some implications for language learning in higher education. 2012. David Little. Language Learning in Higher Education, 2, 1, 1–16. EN

Adopter ou adapter : Le Cadre européen commun de référence est-il seulement européen ? 2011. Enrica Piccardo, Aline Germain-Rutherford & Richard Clement. (Eds.), (contribution in 2 languages) Synergies Europe. Revue du GERFLINT 6/2011 FR

European language policy: assessment, learning and the CEFR. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (2009) 29, 51–63.  Neil Jones & Nick Saville. EN

La richesse de la diversité : recherches et réflexions dans l’Europe des langues et des cultures. 2006. Enrica Piccardo (Ed.) (contributions in 3 languages) Synergies Europe. Revue du GERFLINT 1/2006. FR

The CEFR: Contents, purpose, origin, reception and impact. 2006. David Little (Language Teaching - CUP Press, Volume 39, N° 3). EN

L'évaluation et le Cadre Européen Commun. 2005. Christine Tagliante. Clé international. ISBN : 978-2-09-033119-6 FR

Visual identity of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

The CEFR online :

CEFR - Companion volume (2020)

CEFR Descriptors (Searchable)

French version (Version française)

Arabic version (النسخة العربية)

Basque version (Euskarazko bertsioa)

Italian version (Versione italiana)

Spanish version (Versión en español)

Turkish version (Türkçe versiyonu)

International Sign Language (Translated from the Orginal version)

CEFR (2001)

Language Policy Portal
