Back 70th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights: “Local and regional levels contribute to ensure the implementation of the fundamental rights”, says Congress President

70th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights: “Local and regional levels contribute to ensure the implementation of the fundamental rights”, says Congress President

“I am proud to celebrate today the anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights and I would like to commend the Council of Europe and the political leaders of the time for having had the vision and courage to adopt and commit themselves to this binding treaty which has since become worldwide one of the most important instruments of human rights protection” stated the President of the Congress, Anders Knape, in a video message, on the occasion of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the European Convention of Human Rights, in Athens, on 4 November 2020.

“Ensuring that the citizens’ fundamental freedoms and human rights are promoted, respected and implemented is a responsibility shared by all levels of governance” he said, underlining that the elected representatives at local and regional level have an important share of responsibility in this regard.

“The role of local and regional authorities is evidenced by the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, where numerous judgments include a territorial dimension, dealing with freedom of assembly, policing, the right to vote, freedom of expression, the environment and minority rights,” said Congress President.  “Their role is all the more important in the current health crisis, where the fundamental rights of the most vulnerable are endangered by the prevailing sanitary, social, and economic emergencies,” he added.

“The Congress will continue to promote the territorial dimension of human rights, including within its monitoring of the European Charter of Local Self Government and by creating practical tools such as the "Human rights handbook for local and regional authorities", a series aimed at facilitating the exchange of experience between communities. The first volume, published in 2019, covers the issue of combating discrimination against refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, internally displaced persons, Roma and LGBTI persons. A second volume features issues with regards to health, education, work, housing, social security, protection, inclusion and integration, with a particular focus on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.


 70th anniversary of the European Convention of Human Rights: statement by Congress President


 Virtual exhibition

See also:

Committee of Ministers Online 4 November 2020
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