Back Congress: advancing the local open government agenda in the Republic of Moldova

Congress: advancing the local open government agenda in the Republic of Moldova

On 10 and 11 May 2023, around 100 representatives of local authorities as well as territorial offices of the State Chancellery, engaged in peer discussions and improved their awareness of the principles of open, transparent, accountable and inclusive governance during two online events organised by the Congress within the Open Gov Week, a global call to action to transform the way governments respond to citizens' needs.

This event will be followed with a national-local dialogue roundtable to promote collaboration for key open government reforms and generate recommendations from mayors and their national association, the Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova (CALM), for their inclusion in the upcoming National OGP Action Plan. This process marks a pivotal moment for the country commitments, which for the first time since the Republic of Moldova joined the Open Government Partnership in 2011, include a local component to be co-created jointly with local authorities.

The event was organised as part of the project “Reinforcing the culture of dialogue and ethical open local governance in the Republic of Moldova” implemented by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities within the Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova. The project aims to strengthen the dialogue between local and central authorities and support the improvement of the quality of local governance through integrity, corruption prevention, open government, public ethics, gender equality and migration management at local level.



Co-operation Strasbourg, France 15 May 2023
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