Back Congress contributes to the Council of Europe strategy on the environment

Congress contributes to the Council of Europe strategy on the environment

“Governments shall put local and regional authorities in capacity to take the right decisions and to accompany them to tackle the triple planetary crisis of pollution, climate change and loss of biodiversity. […] We are part of the same chain, if a link breaks, then environmental protection cannot efficiently function.” stressed Meropi-Spyridoula Ydraiou (Greece, EPP/CCE), Congress Thematic Spokesperson on Environment and Climate Change, in Strasbourg, on 10 December 2024.

Addressing the Multidisciplinary Group on Environment (GME) set up to develop a Council of Europe Strategy on the Environment as a direct follow-up of the Reykjavik Declaration, the Congress Spokesperson outlined the key position of local and regional authorities in addressing global environmental challenges and their crucial role in areas such as water management, waste disposal, air quality, and urban planning. In this regard, she introduced the Congress’ proposal to elaborate an Additional Protocol to the European Charter of Local Self-Government dedicated to environmental protection, which would include a commitment by member states to adopt a multi-level governance approach and raise awareness among local authorities to effectively tackle the triple environmental and global crises. “More than ever, environmental emergency reminds us that everyone, at all levels of government, has a role to play to preserve our common and only planet, for the present and future generations.”, emphasised the Congress Spokesperson.

Ms Ydraiou also presented the ongoing action of the Congress on environmental protection such as the publication of a Human Rights Handbook on environment and sustainable development which puts forward innovative solutions implemented locally across Europe, in order to inspire and equip local governments to take effective environmental action.

The Congress Spokesperson concluded by underscoring the importance of multilevel governance in environmental matters: “Protecting the environment is a challenging task that no single level of government can handle alone. Local and regional authorities are essential partners for national governments in this fight”.

Spokesperson's speech

Interview with the Spokesperson

Strasbourg, France 11 december 2024
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