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Congress observed local elections in Turkey

A delegation from the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, comprising 22 observers from 20 countries and led by Mr Andrew DAWSON (ECR, United Kingdom), carried out an election observation mission to Turkey from 27 March to 1 April 2019 to assess the local elections to be held on Sunday 31 March 2019.

On 28 and 29 March, the delegation held briefings in Ankara with representatives of the diplomatic corps, State authorities, NGOs, thinktanks, media and political parties.

On Election Day, ten Congress teams were operating in Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir and other areas of the country to observe the election procedures in polling stations.

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Local elections in Turkey


Members of the Congress delegation:

Head of Delegation/Rapporteur:
Mr Andrew DAWSON, United Kingdom (R, ECR)

  • Ms Liisa ANSALA, Finland (L, ILDG), Vice-President of the Congress
  • Ms Barbara TOCE, Italy (SOC, L), Vice-President of the Congress
  • Mr Robert GRUMAN, Romania (R, EPP-CCE), Chair of the Congress Governance Committee
  • Mr Leo AADEL, Estonia (R, ILDG)
  • Ms Henrietta BERO, Hungary (L, EPP-CCE)
  • Ms Majlinda BUFI, Albania (L, SOC)
  • Ms Violetta CRUDU, Republic of Moldova (L, EPP-CCE)
  • Mr David ERAY, Switzerland (R, ILDG)
  • Mr Mario GAUCI, Malta (L, EPP-CCE)
  • Ms Nino KAVTARADZE, Georgia (L, EPP-CCE)
  • Ms Kateryna MARCHENKO, Ukraine (L, SOC)
  • Mr. Luc MARTENS, Belgium (L, EPP-CCE)
  • Ms Isabelle MOINNET-JOIRET, Belgium (R, EPP-CCE)
  • Ms Randi MONDORF, Denmark (R, ILDG)
  • Mr Sasa PAUNOVIC, Serbia (L, SOC)
  • Mr Vladimir PREBILIC, Slovenia (L, SOC)
  • Mr Hannes WENINGER, Austria (SOC, L)
  • Prof Angel M. MORENO, President of the Congress’ Group of Independent Experts on the European Charter of Local Self‑Government, expert on electoral matters
  • Ms Renate ZIKMUND, Acting Head of Service, Department of Statutory Activities, Division of Local and Regional Election Observation
  • Mr Adam DRNOVSKY, Election Observation Officer, Local and Regional Election Observation
  • Ms Martine ROUDOLFF, Assistant, Local and Regional Election Observation

See also :


Contact and press accreditations :

Renate Zikmund
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
Acting Head of Service, Department of Statutory Activities,
Division of Local and Regional Election Observation – 00 33 (0)6 59 78 64 55)


Elections Turkey 31 March 2019
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