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Local Democracy in Iceland
The Chamber of Local Authorities of the Congress adopted a recommendation, on 29 March 2017, on the state of local democracy in Iceland following a monitoring visit in June 2016. This is second monitoring report since the ratification of the European Charter of Local Self Government in 1991. This document, which was presented by the corapporteurs Mr. Jakob Wienen (Netherlands, EPP/CCE) et Mr. Zdenek Broz (Czech Republic, ECR), underlines the generally satisfactory level of local democracy in the country. The report praises recent developments fostering local self-government, including the promotion of the involvement of local authorities in national decision-making as well as increased inter-municipal co-operation and citizen participation in local authorities. “Iceland could be shared as an example of good practice among the members-states of the Council of Europe” stated Zdenek Broz. Nevertheless, the report draws attention to possible enhancements, in particular the clarification of the division of responsibilities between central government and local authorities and a direct applicability of the Charter in the domestic legal system. 

Press release
Report CPL32(2017)06
Presentation by Jakob Wienen
Presentation by Zdenek Broz
Statement by Jon Gunnarsson
Video of the debate
Interview with Mr.Jacob Wienen
File : 32nd Session of the Congress          
monitoring Strasbourg 29 March 2017
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