Gudrun MOSLER-TÖRNSTRÖM: "In the Congress we are committed to a Europe of solidarity”

Speaking at the opening of the 33rd Congress Session, in Strasbourg, France, on 18 October 2017, Congress President Gudrun MOSLER-TÖRNSTRÖM, pointed out that the European construction has enabled historic advances over the last sixty years. 'We do not want to abandon these advances and each and every one of us, in our own particular roles, can help preserve what has been achieved,' she added highlighting the role of the Congress in this regard. Reaffirming the importance of strong regions with broad powers, the President of the Congress indicated that she did not believe that 'the Europe we earnestly hope for can be built on weak nation States, a disintegrated, fragmented Europe which would be devoid of all influence in the world.”. 'There is no room for selfishness, be it national or regional. There is no place for nationalism, whether national or regional”, she added. .' For the President, the message of the Congress is clear: 'We know that devolution is essential, that municipal and regional self-government, clearly defined within the limits of each State’s legally-established borders, is indispensable. But we do not want to see our nations implode,” she concluded.

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Back Meeting of the Congress Current Affairs Committee

Meeting of the Congress Current Affairs Committee

The members of the Current Affairs Committee met in Strasbourg, France, on 18 October 2017, during the 33rd Session of the Congress. They adopted a report on unaccompanied refugee children and the role of local authorities, prepared by Nawel Rafik Elmrini (France, SOC), and a report on border regions faced with the phenomenon of migration, prepared by Rena DOUROU (Greece, SOC). These reports will be presented for adoption in March and October 2018 respectively. The Committee also examined a petition concerning the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, signed by 150 NGOs and presented to the Congress by the County council of Covasna, Romania. In addition, the Committee received the signature document from the town of Bela Palanka (Serbia) which had signed up to the Pact of towns and regions to stop sexual violence against children, opened for signature by the Congress in 2012. The members were also informed of the programme of the forthcoming Summit of mayors for the 'Alliance of European cities against violent extremism' to be held on 15 November 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. Jointly organised by the Congress, the European Forum for Urban Security (EFUS) and the City of Barcelona, the Summit will bring together local and regional elected representatives, experts and representatives of civil society to look at good practices for preventing extremist violence.    

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Current Affairs Committee Strasbourg, France 18 October 2017
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