27-28 March 2018, Strasbourg, France

34th Session : rights-based governance at local and regional level

34th Session 26 March 2018 Strasbourg, France

The members of the Congress met in Strasbourg, France, from 27 to 28 March 2018 for their 34th Session placed under the theme “rights-based governance at local and regional level”. Congress members discussed in particular the role of local and regional elected representatives and officials in...

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Gudrun Mosler-Törnström: “Given the current challenges, we must preserve the voice of local and regional authorities”

34th session 27 March 2018 Strasbourg

“Together, we are all entering a serious period in the life of our organisation and of our Congress,” said Congress President Gudrun Mosler-Törnström at the opening of the 34th session of the Congress in Strasbourg, France, on 27 March 2018. In her communication, the President gave an update on...

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Back The Congress adopts a Report on municipal elections in “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”

The Congress adopts a Report on municipal elections in “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”

In autumn last year, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities carried out a mission to observe the municipal elections in “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” held on 15 October 2017. Further to this observation, a recommendation, presented by Rapporteur Karim VAN OVERMEIRE (Belgium, NR), was adopted on 28 March, in the frame of the 34th Session.

According to the Congress, the elections were, by and large, well-organised and in line with international standards. The Rapporteur highlighted, in particular, improvement regarding the situation of the media, notably more balanced media coverage of the campaign and better working conditions for journalists.

“Despite these improvements, it needs to be said that the general atmosphere in the country is still characterised by deep divison and polarisation along ethnic and political lines”, said Karim VAN OVERMEIRE. The Rapporteur stressed the need for more transparency in the electoral process, which is relevant for the situation in the polling stations and at the level of the State Election Commission. According to him, it is particularly critical to ensure the separation of State and party interests, in order to provide a level playing field for all contestants, and to prevent the misuse of administrative resources during electoral processes.

The Congress invites the authorities of “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” to pay further attention to the issue of accuracy of voters’ lists and to ensure the effective participiation of women in grassroots politics. Moreover, it recommends to improve the legal conditions for effective redress in electoral disputes in order to handle the complaints in an impartial manner. The Congress also encourages the authorities to organise training for electoral staff to ensure the coherent implementation of the legal framework.

The Report also reaffirms the need for municipalities to have access to adequate financial resources in general, and, more specifically, with regard to their capacity to organise local elections.

Report CPL34 (2018)02

Speech by Karim VAN OVERMEIRE

Video of the debate

** 34th Session of the Congress **
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34th session Strasbourg, France 28 March 2018
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Election to the vice-presidence of the Chamber of Regions

Candidate : Robert GRUMAN CV - Candidature declaration and motivation letter


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