Almost 100 applications with a local and regional dimension were presented to the European Court of Human Rights. This case-law covers the following fundamental rights:

  • Right to life (Article 2)
  • Prohibition of torture (Article 3)
  • Prohibition of slavery and forced labour (Article 4)
  • Right to liberty and security (Article 5)
  • Right to a fair trial (Article 6)
  • Right to respect for private and family life (Article 8)
  • Freedom of thought, conscience and religion (Article 9)
  • Freedom of expression (Article 10)
  • Freedom of assembly and association (Article 11)
  • Right to an effective remedy (Article 13)
  • Protection of property (Article 1 Protocole n°1)
  • Right to free elections (Article 3 Protocole n°1)
  • Freedom of movement (Article 2 Protocole n°4)
  • General prohibition of discrimination (Article 1 Protocole n°12)