The Council of Europe (CoE) started on 1 November 2018 a 24 months project entitled “Structured sentence management for violent extremist prisoners in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

The project was implemented in close cooperation with the Ministries of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Federation BiH and Republika Srpska, and their respective partners from the state and the entity law enforcement agencies, social welfare services, as well as with the civil society organisations and other relevant stakeholders.

The project had an overall budget of 800,000 EUR and was financed thanks to the generous contributions of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).


Back Development of the Screening Tool and list of indicators of radicalisation in prison facilities

Development of the Screening Tool and list of indicators of radicalisation in prison facilities

On 18 November 2020, the Council of Europe (CoE) held a second Working Group (WG) meeting on the development of a basic Screening Tool and a list of indicators of vulnerability to radicalisation within prison context. Professionals from Zenica and Bijeljina prisons, as well as representatives of the Federation BiH and Republika Srpska Ministries of Justice attended the meeting. The WG conducted a comprehensive assessment by gathering detailed input from all the project’s beneficiaries, in order to better address the real needs towards the development of these documents.

The Screening Tool will assist the prison staff in determining whether an individual prisoner requires a fuller in-depth risk assessment, while the list of indicators will make prison staff more assertive to potential vulnerability factors that might lead to radicalisation of certain categories of inmates.

Following the health and safety recommendations of the CoE and the local authorities regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held online.

The activity was organised under the project ''Structured Sentence Management For Violent And Extremist Prisoners" funded by the voluntary contribution of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom and the United States Agency for International Development Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and implemented by the Council of Europe.

18 November 2020
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