The Council of Europe (CoE) started on 1 November 2018 a 24 months project entitled “Structured sentence management for violent extremist prisoners in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

The project was implemented in close cooperation with the Ministries of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Federation BiH and Republika Srpska, and their respective partners from the state and the entity law enforcement agencies, social welfare services, as well as with the civil society organisations and other relevant stakeholders.

The project had an overall budget of 800,000 EUR and was financed thanks to the generous contributions of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).


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© Council of Europe

On 22nd January, Council of Europe presented the new project “Structured sentence management for violent and extremist prisoners” to national and international stakeholders engaged in the area of rule of law.

The overall objective of the project is to help enhance safety and security in Bosnia and Herzegovina through reducing extremism and violence in prisons and promoting rehabilitation of violent and extremist prisoners and their reintegration in society upon their release from prison. The project will be implemented by the Council of Europe over the period of the next 24 months, and is funded by the UK Government and USAID Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ambassador Drahoslav Štefánek, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina, emphasized the importance of continuing the work in the field of reintegration and resocialization of violent and extremist prisoners in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The project will be implemented in close partnership with the Ministries of Justice of BiH, Federation BiH and Republika Srpska, and their respective partners from the state and the entity law enforcement agencies, social welfare services, as well as with the civil society organizations and other local stakeholders. The project will facilitate establishment of multi-agency co-operation mechanisms for providing continuous support to violent and extremist prisoners upon their return into community.

The British Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, HE Matthew Field emphasised that the UK is a strong and committed partner in the global fight against violent extremism, in its many forms. “This is a challenge personally faced by many countries across Europe. I am pleased that authorities in BiH take this issue seriously, and are determined to tackle it in line with international standards, including the recommendation to support rehabilitation during sentences and following release,” said Ambassador Field.

The project includes identification of signs of radicalization among prisoners; managing those who are already demonstrating signs of it; and fostering links between the community and prisons while alleviating risks to the community post-release.

The BiH Assistant Minister of Justice for execution of criminal sanctions, Mr Mustafa Bisić on behalf of the BiH Minister of Justice expressed full support to the project that will develop tools which will assist prison staff to acquire new skills in dealing with violent and extremist prisoners and thus contributing to their further reintegration into society.

Also, the Assistant Ministers of Justice for execution of criminal sanctions from Republika Srpska and Federation BiH, Mr Pero Dunjic and Mr Hidajet Trako, on behalf of their respective ministries expressed full support to the project.

Sarajevo 22 January 2019
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