The relevant jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the findings of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) highlight areas for improvement where member States need to act in order to conform to the Council of Europe’s standards in the field of prisons and as regards the actions of law enforcement officials. Based on the European Prison Rules, the Council of Europe Probation Rules and the European Rules on juvenile offenders, the programme carries out assistance activities. Emphasis is placed on human rights and management issues in prisons, and on combating ill-treatment and impunity as regards law enforcement structures. The Council of Europe is the pan-European platform for discussion of new challenges facing law enforcement and correctional services, which inform standard setting and exchange of good practices.


Back Purchase of consultancy services in order to develop two studies: 1) on the aftermath of Covid-19 pandemics in prisons and its impact on prison reform priorities, and 2) on multidisciplinary approach in reducing reoffending

Questions and Answers:
Purchase of consultancy services in order to develop two studies: 1) on the aftermath of Covid-19 pandemics in prisons and its impact on prison reform priorities, and 2) on multidisciplinary approach in reducing reoffending


Contract N° 2021/AO/264


Questions and Answers:

Q: Would it be possible to share the work between the two consultants, so that we are joint providers.

A: Yes, this is the case of “consortium of legal and/or natural persons”; please carefully read Article 10 (and in particular Article 10.5) from the Act of Engagement. You will need to respect all the requirements set in Article 10, such as consortium agreement between you, the coordinator etc.

Please click the case “consortium” on the Act of Engagement.


Link to the tender:

Shutterstock France 24 June 2021
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