The project aims at enhancing the protection of the citizens in Georgia by the law enforcement institutions, which further improve the performance of their duties in line with the Council of Europe standards and best practices. It will support national authorities to advance how the police and related agencies operate by focusing on three main groups: the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA); the Special Investigation Service responsible for looking into police misconduct; and the Public Defender’s Office, National Prevention Mechanism, and civil society organizations.


  • MIA improves legislative and policy frameworks to follow European standards, while the police officers benefit from sustainable training provision at the MIA Academy and enhance skills in handling situations such as public gatherings, working with young people, and treating vulnerable individuals with respect. 
  • The Special Investigation Service further strengthens its independence and increases effectiveness in investigating cases of police misconduct, with a focus on torture and ill-treatment. Due regard is paid to the protection of the alleged victims and witnesses of police misconduct, as well as monitoring the quality of investigations and timely reaction on the cases involving alleged ill-treatment from the law-enforcement officers.
  • Public Defender’s Office / National Preventive Mechanism and civil society enhance their professional and operational capacities to prevent police misconduct. Involvement of the CSOs, focusing on the protection of human rights during peaceful demonstrations, will be at the core of this component. 

The Project builds on the achievements of the previous CoE projects “Juvenile and Adults Detainees Support” (JADES, 2019-2021) and “Human Rights Compliant Policing in Georgia” (HRCPG, 2021-2023). The Project will be delivered by applying human rights approach and will pay particular attention to vulnerable groups, including juveniles. A gender-sensitive approach will be ensured during the project implementation. Gender balance trends of the capacity-building activities of the Project will be monitored and reported on a regular basis.

A combination of needs assessments, expert advice, working groups and experts’ meetings, workshops and roundtables, development of training modules and delivery of tailor-made trainings, and public awareness activities will serve to achieve the goal of the project.

Partners: Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), MIA Academy, Special Investigation Service, Public Defender's Office/National Preventive Mechanism; relevant civil society organisations.

End beneficiaries: victims of police misconduct; juvenile offenders, victims and witnesses; persons in police custody; participants of peaceful demonstrations. 

The Project is part of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Georgia (2024-2027). The project runs from 1 January 2024 until 31 December 2025.

Project news

Empowering the next generation of human rights defenders - Council of Europe hosts summer school to promote human rights compliance in Georgia

16.08.2024 Goergia

Lopota, Georgia, July 19-26, 2024 – The Council of Europe brought together 42 law students from various Georgian universities for a Summer School to deepen their understanding of human rights and strengthening their advocacy skills. The Summer School provided participants with a comprehensive...

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Council of Europe continues supporting national penitentiary and police reform initiatives in Georgia

13-14 March 2024 Tbilisi, Georgia

The Council of Europe Office in Georgia welcomed government officials, members of international and local non-governmental organisations, academia and other stakeholders to the official launching events of the Projects “Support to Penitentiary System Reform” (on 13 March) and “Enhancing Human...

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2024/AO/08 - Local Consultancy Services in the Areas of Police and Law Enforcement in Georgia

19 February 2024 Georgia

Within the framework of the Project “Enhancing Human Rights Compliant Approach in Law Enforcement Institutions in Georgia” the Council of Europe is launching a call for the provision of local consultancy services on policing democratic freedoms, police monitoring and oversight, torture and...

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